rosparams vs. command line arguments for initialization
In my understanding, nodes can get initialization arguments in two ways: 1. rosrun or roslaunch xml files can pass command line arguments straight to the main method 2. the node can use the ros...
View Articlerobot_pose_ekf hardcoded topics and tf
Why are "odom", "imu_data" and "base_footprint" hardcoded in robot_pose_ekf? Why not pass these as parameters similar to "odom_combined"? see below:> nh_private.param("input_odom", input_odom_,...
View Articlerosjava: Get List of Parameters
I am developing with ros on an android tablet, and I am trying to change parameters using the device (as a remote, so to speak). However, I am having trouble doing so. Has anyone done this? Here is my...
View ArticleProvide parameters to OpenCV C++ program in ROS from external file
I want to write a program using OpenCV C++ interface in ROS. I want to provide parameters used by the program from external file(not sure which format will be apt). Say, I use the threshold function in...
View ArticleWhat parameters are used in PCL's Bilateral Filter?
I was trying to find out the parameters which are used as standard in PCL's bilateral filtering routine for Kinect images. As I understand it, the required parameters for bilateral filtering are: -...
View ArticleRosJava Android rosparam files
Hi Is there anyway using rosjava on android to be able to load rosparam files from a config file like normal ROS? because it had to be associated in a launch file and android doesn't have that
View ArticleROSJava -- Parameters and knowing their types ahead of time?
I'm working on updating some old ROSSerial classes to work with the latest version of ROSJava under Groovy. To add support for parameters, I'm looking at the ParameterTree interface and it appears that...
View Articlexacro.XacroException
Is there a way to make the tool print out WHICH parameters are missing? I double- and triple-checked, and the parameters are all there. Why can't the tool print a list of the thingies that it misses?
View ArticleGuidelines to convert DH parameters to URDF specifications?
Do some of you have experience in creating URDF models from DH parameters of your robot?
View Articleservices running in a node
Hello I was wondering if its possible to get a list of all services to which a node is connected, either as a client or as a server. Somethis similar to ros::this_node::getSubscribedTopics()...
View ArticleHow to parameterize a duration?
I have used the following pattern a number of times, across a variety of packages: double my_param_seconds; ros::param::get("~my_param", my_param_seconds); my_param_ = ros::Duration(my_param_seconds);...
View ArticleCostmap_2d doesn't apply .yaml parameters
Hi all, I've tried to launch costmap_2d node with this launch code: where params.yaml file contains this costmap: global_frame: /world robot_base_frame: robot transform_tolerance: 0.8 update_frequency:...
View ArticleParameterTree rosjava
Hi, I'm trying to do a simple test to use a parameter tree in my code. I have the following: package org.ros.rosjava_tutorial_pubsub; import org.ros.concurrent.CancellableLoop; import...
View ArticleMultiple parameters in subscribe method's callback function
Hi I'm trying to make a subscription to a topic where the callback function takes 2 parameters, but I can't figure out how to write it. The function I want to call look like this: void writeOut(const...
View ArticleGmapping failure culprit -- parameters, odometry, sensors?
Hello, I am running ROS Hydro on a Turtlebot 2 (Kobuki + Kinect) I have been trying to use teleop + gmapping to get a decent map of my cubicled office building, but after slowly perimeter-driving and...
View ArticleHelp with CMake parameters for catkin_make
Hi, I have a project that I'm trying to adapt to ROS. Using `catkin_make`, it compiles ok, with clang++, but it fails on linking. It needs to be linked with a series of object files (*.o) that are part...
View ArticleCalling a service with parameters in a YAML file, passed as parameter in a...
Hi. Here is my problem : - I have two nodes A and B, where A launches a service which needs some parameters. - Both are launched via a launch file where a YAML file is passed as a parameter to B with...
View Articlehow to find the 3d location of a given pixel (fixed monocular camera)
Given that I have the following: - known pixels from an undistorted image (taken by monocular camera) - fixed angle of inclination of camera - fixed height of camera and flat terrain (so the height...
View Articlecost-map parameters and gmapping with youbot
Hi everyone. I'm having a hard time with simulating the SLAM algorithms using KUKA YOUBOT and ROS GAZEBO and RVIZ. At the first, following the tutorial and modifying it in according to use it on the...
View Articlerqt_plot axis values
Hi, Is there a way that I can change the axis, both name and values while, when I'm ready to plot topics? For instance, if running a motor, I want my Current (Amps) topic on one axis and Voltage (V)...
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