ParameterTree rosjava
Hi, I'm trying to do a simple test to use a parameter tree in my code. I have the following: package org.ros.rosjava_tutorial_pubsub; import org.ros.concurrent.CancellableLoop; import...
View Articleeband_local_planner's command velocity is low
I use the eband_local_planner as the base_local_planner for my four mecanum wheels base, and the eband_local_planner_params is as follows: ---------- EBandPlannerROS: xy_goal_tolerance: 0.03...
View Articlecostmap parameters - navigation stack
Hello, for me it's unclear what parameters **have to/can** be in common_costmap_params.yaml, local_costmap_params.yaml and global_costmap_params.yaml This tutorial...
View ArticleWhat's the best way to publish dynamic parameters to a topic when they change?
I'd like to publish dynamic parameters (from dynamic_reconfigure) to a topic from a C++ node when they change, for the purpose of recording parameter changes in a bag file. In Python, I just convert...
View ArticleHow to remap a private parameter
In a launch file I want to remap parameters of my node to other, already existing parameters. It is working for global parameters but not for private ones. This is a simple example node "":...
View ArticleExtracting Data From MoveIt
Hi ROS community , i am beginner in ROS and i create my own URDF from SolidWorks using a [SolidWorks to URDF Exporter]( . I configure this Arm with MoveIt and its...
View ArticleAPI for changing a camera resolution
What is the standard ROS way for implementing on-the-fly resolution changing for a camera node? I haven't found any official articles on this, also I haven't found any popular camera nodes, supporting...
View ArticleIs it possible to set parameters like inertial, collisions in launch not in...
Hi, I'm working on a robot. I didn't set parameters inertial and collisions in my URDF. Is it possible to set these params in launch file? How? I know that I can change the URDF file, but it is...
View Articleros 2 parameter design
HI, How will a ros 2 node using parameters, be notified regarding any change in its parameters values ? Will it be through using the `register_param_change_callback(callback T)` funtion ? Is there any...
View ArticleHow to compare different Algorithms?
Hello, I have implemented different slam algorithms in ROS in real time. Now, I want to compare those (Their performance). What metrics should i use? - I have seen paper with tables including...
View ArticleInitialize parameters via yaml in ros2
According to this [PR](, we can now initialize parameters via yaml file. I edited the talker example to have the parameter client so I can see the changes in...
View ArticleNeed help with passing parameters to a launch file.
I would like to over ride rtabmap parameters on a rosrun command line....I want to used the unaltered rtabmap launch file overriding some of the Grid parameters. Can this be done from the command line?...
View Articlekacanopen import EDS file
Hi all! I'm trying to control 6 Maxon MCD Epos with a IXXAT CAN-to-USB adapter via socket CAN0. I'm trying [Kacanopen]( package because @Soeren answer in this question...
View Articleros2run help parameters
Hi, I was checking the ros2 run examples to launch a node. like mentioned here How does the node, which is being launched with the above command use the...
View Articleros2run help parameters
Hi, I was checking the ros2 run examples to launch a node. like mentioned here How does the node, which is being launched with the above command use the...
View Articleruntime error after trying to set parameters in ROS2
When I try to set parameters, I'm getting the following error: `terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'` `what(): Node has already been added to an executor.` I was able to...
View Article[ROS2 YAML] Config file without node name
Is it possible to write a YAML parameter file without specifying the ROS2 node name? The current format for a YAML file is the following: namespace: node_name: ros__parameters: general: param_1: 0...
View ArticleROS 2 Bouncy get_parameter
Hi, I'm using ROS 2 Bouncy and I'm trying to get parameters from a yaml file. I checked a few ways to get parameters and I found one that works but takes 3 lines for each parameter : auto ip_port_param...
View ArticleHow to dynamically update model parameters
Hello, Thank you all for the support! I am running a simulation of quadrotors on Gazebo. I am trying to update the physical parameters dynamically. For example, I'd like to change the mass of the...
View ArticleAccess parameters set from another node
Hi, I'm using ROS2 Bouncy. I have two nodes. What I would like to do is to allow the first node to set some parameters on the parameters server and then make the second node to retrieve these...
View ArticleCheck if ROS2 Parameters Exist with RCLCPP
In ROS1 there was the hasParam method. In ROS2, [there doesn't seem to be a way to check if a parameter...
View ArticleParameters for comparing and benchmarking SLAM algorithms
What are the parameters used to compare visual SLAM algorithms? How do you benchmark and calculate the performance of an algorithm? I need to evaluate on my own and not use someone else's dataset like...
View ArticleSame parameters for different nodes
I am currently having several nodes running. Each node has his own server parameter, with his own config.yaml. In there respective launch file, I load all the parameters and everything works fine! Some...
View ArticleChanging MPC_XY_VEL_MAX in flight, in offboard, with python script
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to change the MPC_XY_VEL_MAX parameter in the px4 parameters via this code: At the top I have: from mavros_msgs.srv import * Then in a function under a class called...
View ArticleConverting dynamic reconfigure to ros2 parameters
This isn't a very clear question, mostly just a dump of my current understanding of how to use ros2 parameters and hopefully any misconceptions can be addressed in comments or answers. I have many ros1...
View ArticleDWA local planner parameters are never used
Hi, When trying to configure DWA local planner parameters, i've found that [parameters]( **scaling_speed** and **max_scaling_factor** are never *really* used. Both...
View Articlerosnodejs get private param
I've written a ROS node using rosnodejs, and I would like to pass it a privately scoped parameter on the command line like: rosrun mynode myscript.js _myparam:=foo What would be as simple as...
View ArticlePassing Matrices as params in Launch Files
I'd like to pass the data contained within a matrix as a parameter to several nodes in a launch file. [This link]( states how to...
View ArticleROS2 sequence and map parameters
Hello, From what I can tell (which may be wrong), ROS2 does not allow for parameters which are nothing more than sequences or maps of other parameters, as we could do with the ROS1 xmlrpc parameter...
View Articleros2 rclpy list parameters from node
Is there an easy way to list parameters from an rclpy Node ?? I can 'manually' set up a service client and do the `list_parameters` call but it feels like this should be abstracted, Current solution,...
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